Wednesday, June 27, 2012

24 Day Challenge: Day 16

Oops, sorry it has been over a week since I lasted posted. I am still doing the challenge. I am down to 175 LBS right now. I have strayed a little here and there, but mostly have stuck to the challenge. The things I have had over the past 8 days that are not 24 Day Challenge friendly are : A few fries, a couple crackers, a skinny cow ice cream bar, some bbq sauce,  granola bars, a sandwich that I realized a little too late was highly processed, and some bread.

I need to exercise more and the weekends continue to be the biggest challenge for me. I ran out of the meal replacement shakes and have had a sugar filled granola bar the past two mornings. It sucks. I forgot to order them and then when I remembered, I paid for 2 day air so they will be here tomorrow. I like the results I have gotten so far and I definitely plan on continuing even after the 24 days using some of the other supplements offered by Advocare and continuing to eat this way the best I can.

I really don't miss the greasy food all that much. I plan on having a turkey burger on lettuce for 4th of July. The one thing that I read that made so much sense to me was an explanation of why fast food just makes us fat. I will try to explain it the best I can remember. Fast food is highly processed and stripped of all of its nutrients. It also has added sodium to help preserve it. Therefore, when you ingest it, your body is not getting these nutrients which are needed for your body to tell you that you are full so you stop eating. It has so much added salt and fats to make it taste better too. I have always known that fast food is full of fat, but never thought of it this way. Fast Food is completely empty. If you want calories and fat, then go for it. If you actually want to give your body what it is asking for , then kick it to the curb. Your body is telling you it is hungry because it wants you to give it nutrients to give to your body, not fat to give to your thighs!

Anyways, I have to go for now, but I will be sure to keep you updated !

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