Monday, June 18, 2012

24 Day Challenge: Day 7

I had a busy (for me) weekend, so I had to try to find ways to fit in my diet. I can tell you right now that it was tough! I definitely failed in some parts, but if I look at it in a different light...what I now consider a "bad" day is what I used to consider a "good" day. Now how is that for some change? At least my perception of that has changed.

Here is a super condensed break down of Saturday and Sunday:

Day 5, Saturday: Woke up at 7:45 and had Spark with the White Pills. Did Zumba on the Wii for 20 minutes. Had a Meal replacement with Omegaplex at 8:45 am. Skipped my snack .12:20 pm Spark. 12:50 pm Was going to have tuna wrap for lunch, but after mixing the tuna and celery, I realized the brown rice tortillas were moldy already :(. So...I used regular multi grain wheat bread. Around 6 pm I had a salad at Chuck E Cheese. I was at least good there and only had a proper salad and resisted the pizza and even the birthday cake. After Chuck E Cheese, I left to meet my friends at a bar to celebrate one of my good friends birthdays. Throughout the night I had a Southern Comfort with Lime, a Tall can of Michelob Ultra, and two Red Bull and Vodka. I know I am not supposed to be drinking, but I was at least trying to make low carb or low sugar selections :-/ . Even getting home at 2 am I remembered to take the brown pills before bed (yay me!)

Day 6, Sunday: 10 am Spark and white pills. 10:55 am - had meal replacement. Around 1:00 pm Dereck went and got McDonald's for his nieces and himself. He offered to get me something healthy, but I declined and said I would find something at home. We were getting ready to go to the movies and the girls left a ton of their food out. I was starving and wasting that much food would've really bothered me. So...I ate 3 of their chicken nuggets and a small handful of fries. That must have lit up my insides because before I knew it I was ransacking the cupboards looking for things I could eat. I had about 5 of those quaker quakes, a small handful of almonds, then a banana. We had missed the time we needed to leave to make it to the movie, so we decided to go to Toys R Us. On the way we stopped at the gas station and I hopped out and got myself an Arizona Green Tea and a bag of Popchips. The Popchips were only 100 cal and 3g of fat. They really didn't seem that bad. I definitely shouldn't have gotten the green tea. I think it is safe to say that I didn't quite follow the plan this day, but I was still really trying to make healthy decisions. For dinner (which was served around 7:45) I had Grilled Chicken, Grilled Asparagus, and Salad.

Whew! That's a lot of writing. Here is a pic of my lunch from today. Yum!

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