Weight Tracker

I will be posting my weight and updating weekly so you can see whether I gained or lost weight that week. I plan to be fully accountable for any gains and will be conistent with my posting. Hopefully I will have very few, if any, instances where I have to post a gain!

I'm also going to add a bar graph to this page so you can see what a Yo-Yo dieter I am.

Lastly, I am also going to be posting my incentives to lose weight (besides the obvious benefit). I will be making "mini-goals" and when I reach those goals, I am going to treat myself to something non-food related.

I guess that wasn't lastly! I will also eventually be posting pictures here showing me at different stages in my weight loss.

OK, here is my first chart. This shows my Yo-Yo weight throughout my life. The weight I lost between my Pre-Teens and Teens was not my baby fat. I ate an extremely unhealthy diet of only 600 calories a day and worked out like crazy because I was sick of being fat. Anyways, I am going to post this chart and another one that shows only the past few years. I tried using the weight that I was at around my birthday for each year. My weight did fluctuate during the year, but that would have been an even bigger chart, so I tried to keep it simple.

Age is on left and weight is on bottom. I've seen the scale as low as around 110 and as high as around 201 in my life between the age of 14 and 21. I was the skinniest (size 0-1) at age 14 and heaviest at age 20/21.

As you can see, my current trend these past few years has been an incline, but I'm here to change that!

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