Friday, September 7, 2012

Eat To Live Lifestyle - Day 4

Today is the beginning of day 4 of following the Eat to Live lifestyle and I have to admit it has not been extremely easy so far. Luckily the reasons it has not been easy are not the same reasons that other "diets" have not been easy for me in the past.

The GOOD so far...

1. I have not caved in and eaten bad at all. Basically I have not over-indulged on anything that is restricted.
2. I have lost 5 pounds so far and it's only the beginning of day 4. (Started at 185, now 180)
3. I feel like I have a good amount of energy
4. I have not felt hunger pangs, but I have had cravings
5. It feels good knowing that I am giving my body the nutrition that it is really trying to ask me for.
6. It seems like my stomach has flattened ever so slightly.
7. It has not required extensive preparation
8. I have not had diarrhea

The BAD so far...

1. Withdrawals from highly processed foods, sugar, and fat is REAL and it sucks! I have had some of the worst headaches ever the past three days. They always hit me around the same time which is about right before dinner time. I'm hoping they will stop soon.
2. I have had major cravings. Luckily I am smart enough to know that having Sushi one night and allowing myself one Dove chocolate piece every night is not going to throw off my diet.
3. Just smelling all that "yummy" food sends info to my brain that I want that food. I've got to get that to stop!

I'm going to keep strong and keep it up. We are going to Peter Piper Pizza tomorrow for one of our friends kids 2nd Birthday party and I do plan on allowing myself one piece of pizza, but that is all because I know they have salad there. I'm looking forward to reporting my progress again on Monday!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why I failed... yet again

Hey everyone!

I know I keep going a super long time in between posts and I am sorry, but I am a busy girl!

The 24 Day Challenge that I was on ended in failure. I am not blaming it on advocare or saying it is bad by any means. I think the idea of it is great and there were many days that I felt amazing and even got compliments that I was losing weight. My downfall was I felt hungry and it was very structured. I can not be hungry and I can not follow something that is super structured. I stopped doing the challenge and since then I have gained 10 pounds and I was back up to 185 .

The most recent thing that I have stumbled upon is called Eat to Live. When I say stumbled, I really mean stumbled! I was reading an article on MSN about how older men getting women pregnant could be a reason for children being autistic and the next thing I knew I was reading an article about how animal proteins are a factor in cancer and the last thing I remember I ended up at Amazon reading someones review of the Eat to Live book. Wow, the internet can really lead you on a tangent, but it really is amazing!

So...where am I at now, right? Well, the Eat to Live book by Dr. Furhman took me a while to read (I said I am busy!) so I couldn't get started right away which was sad. However, you need to actually read the whole book to grasp exactly how important it is to eat this way. I have been eating this way for only 2 full days now and I have lost 5 pounds and the scale claims I weigh 180 now. I am going to track this and take pictures. I promise I won't leave you hanging!