Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The only thing I can make

Part of me being lazy means that I don't cook. I don't cook not only because I don't feel like it, but I seriously can't cook. It's pretty sad actually. For instance, the other day my boyfriend asked me to boil some water for him to make noodles. Sounds easy enough, right? So I put water in the pot, put it on the stove, and turn it to medium heat. Then I tell him I need to go do something, but his water is probably boiling right now. He walks over to the stove and says "wow, I never thought the saying 'you can't even boil water' could ever be true, but you really can't boil water ". He teased me about It for a little bit and I laughed and agreed. I told him I've always said I can't cook.

Guacamole is the only thing I make and even kind of enjoy making! Being that I'm of German heritage mostly, it's definitely not in my blood to make guacamole. However, I've been told it tastes good and enjoy it myself. This last batch I made was a little on the oniony side, but I love onions so it didn't bother me. I don't have a recipe, I just eyeball it and make due with what I have on hand. Besides what is pictured, I also add lemon, salt and pepper. (Lemon is to help preserve it mostly) It best described as a more natural tasting guacamole.

So ....what is your favorite (or only) thing to cook or prepare (considering guacamole doesn't require actual cooking) ? What makes yours extra special too?

P.S. the 189.8 has stuck. Now I just need to go down more! Birthday Vegas trip is only 16 days away. Eek!!
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