Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nicht Sehr Gut

That's German for "not very good", which is what last night was to my diet. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast having everyone over last night. It's always great getting together with friends, even better when it is to celebrate getting a house. I only have myself to blame for messing up my diet last night.

We didn't end up getting pizza, but instead Dereck grilled and we had a lot of snacks lying around. After having a few drinks my hunger kicked in and my judgement on food quickly became blurred. I started out on the veggie tray and was satisfied for a while. A few hours later the Bratwurst were ready and I ate one and a half! eek! I gave the other half of the second one to my boyfriend because I finally become self aware of how much I was eating, but immediately after I started munching on Sunchips. Ugh! How dumb of me.

So, I woke up this morning and weighed myself and I am down to 189.8 LBS. At first I was pretty happy that I am down some weight, but then I couldn't help but think that I was probably down more than that before screwing up last night. It is saddening, but I have to think that a night like last night is bound to happen and I can't kick myself for having a night of fun.

I am going to weigh myself again tomorrow morning because I drank a lot last night, so I am hoping I am actually down more than that. I always weigh myself under the same circumstances so my data isn't mushed up. It's always in the morning before I eat anything and after I've gone to the bathroom. I normally try to weigh myself only once a week. Weighing yourself any more often than that will just lead to frustrations due to water weight gain and natural daily fluctuations. It is best to try to weigh yourself on the same day once a week and under the same circumstances. Since this morning my body wasn't under its normal circumstances, I plan on weighing myself again tomorrow. Besides the scale, I plan on taking my measurements when I have a chance.

I'll post the results tomorrow!

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