Friday, July 22, 2011

Conglomerated Diet

It appears that I have inadvertently conglomerated diets. I came to realize that I am on multiple diets at the same time. I keep picking out tips I've learned along the way from dieting in the past and started to put them in my head as some type of commandment I must follow.  It could be a good thing, but it could be bad too. Only time will tell.

To be more specific, I have noticed that I have decided on the following rules for my new diet:

Drink 64 oz of water per day
Eat less than 1,500 cals per day
Make an effort to incorporate more physical activity into my day
Try to get the most out of my calories by eliminating certain foods
Pay attention to Fat and Fiber content of my foods
Take Supplements/ Fat Burners
Experiment with different herbs
Eat every 3 hours
Try my best at keeping a diet and excercise log

These are all things that I know I can at least put for a real effort on doing. I am not saying that I will do every single one every day, but I know I can at least try.

I will get more detailed on each one and cite where I heard of these things (some are common sense). I am not endorsing any kind of diet plan or promoting them, but I feel it is necessary for you to know where I learned these tactics from and give credit where it is due.

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