Thursday, June 27, 2013

Road Trip Snacks !

I'm super excited that I am going on a road trip tomorrow. We are going way up north for a Family Reunion and even into Utah to hike (if time permits). It struck me that this could throw a wrench into my plans to continue eating healthy. Then again, it will only cause a problem if I fail to plan for my car snacking that I love to do. I already know that I am going to want something sweet, salty, crunchy or creamy and make an excuse to grab something crappy at the gas station. I am not going to allow myself to have that excuse by making sure I pack some healthy snacks. has some good ideas, but I have to admit I already thought of these ones. They list Jerky, Fruit and Fruit & Nut Bars. My problem with these suggestions is....Where's that salty crunch that I am looking for?!

Here's what I came up with:

• Pretzels (not really my fav. )
• Quaker Rice Cakes. They even have mini ones in a bag called "popped" and they have Ranch!
• Raw Unsalted Almonds
• Popcorn (once again, not really something I care for)
• Frozen Grapes (mentioned by one of my Instagram friends. They aren't salty, but they are definitely crunchy!)
• Roasted Chickpeas. (I've personally never had these and found it by doing a search. Sounds yummy though! )
• Kale Chips (I really want to try these but I can't find them anywhere!)

Well, that's all I could think of . What healthy snacks do you take on your road trips?


  1. Hey girl, so I know you already went on the road trip but I made my own Kale chips. Cut the raw plant into pieces as big as a credit card (they shrink) and wash well. Let them sit out to dry until there is no water at all. Then brush with olive oil very lightly and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake at 350• on parchment paper until crispy... Watch them closely because they burn. Also flip them when one side looks done. They are pretty yummy and Sal even likes them which is rare haha

    1. Awesome! You can make so much stuff! I need to come get a cooking lesson soon :)

  2. Also take a brown rice rice cake, smear avocado and add a couple dots of sriracha... Tastes amazing!
