Thursday, July 18, 2013

Progress Picture and Update!

June 10th, 2013 was the date that I said enough with this! I am going to stop "trying" to lose weight and start losing weight period. I started up my Lazy Girl Diet Instagram , took my before picture and haven't looked back. Instagram and the #fitfam have proved to be one of the best support systems so far. It's inspiring and motivational to scroll through the pictures on there. I may have to make an entire blog post about it in the future. For now, I would like to share with you my progress thus far. It's been just over 5 weeks since June 10th. I've already lost 1.5" on each thigh, 0.5" around my waist and I can see a significant difference in my body. I've lost 5 pounds and definitely gained some muscle because my body fat percentage has gone down.  I don't know what I started with, but it is now 36.8% which is obviously still way too high. Below is the picture I posted on instagram. Wow, what a difference 5 pounds can make when it is the right 5 pounds. It is apparent that I lost fat and gained muscle! I couldn't be happier with this 5 week progress.
Onward I go! P.S. This is the book I'm reading right now (Click it and you can read the first few pages on Amazon!):


  1. Those are definitely the right five pounds! Kudos to you!
    Found you on calorie count website. Looking to connect.

    Follow me on my personal blog: and on ig: ichang3

    Keep it Touched,

    1. Thank you for checking out my blog! I am going to go look at yours right now and sub.
