Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Peanut Butter VS. Almond Butter

I ran across a post on the Caloriecount.com forums asking if Peanut Butter is really so bad for you. The poster said that they've been reading articles that are bashing peanut butter. I thought this would make an interesting topic for my blog since I do have a bit of an opinion on this subject. Overall, the Almond is a healthier nut butter in the fact that:

1. It has less saturated fat
2. A bit more phosphorus and potassium
3. Loads more Calcium. Almost 700%  more!
4. Much more Fiber, Vitamin E and Iron.

In two Tablespoons of Almond Butter, you will consume 2 more grams of Fat and about 11 more calories. However, when you look at all the positives, I think that is a small trade off. These comparisons are based on two tablespoons of no salt added nut butters. I got some of this information off a website with a super fun chart comparing the two. Click here to see it for yourself !

Something to keep in mind is that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. I think that is why there have been some articles popping up talking about why peanut butter isn't all that great. In the short amount of time that I have dived into the fitness community, I have noticed a slight obsession with peanut butter. Some people seem to use it as a diet staple. I think in that respect Peanut Butter can turn into a "bad" food. This doesn't mean peanut butter needs to be cut out or demonized either. I still have it in my pantry, but I do gravitate towards Almond Butter now instead. If I use Peanut Butter, I buy all natural peanut butter with the least amount of sodium, sugar and extra oils. The same goes with Almond Butter too!

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