Thursday, August 29, 2013

How to Catch Yourself From Falling Off Your Weightloss Plan

Lately I have been really screwing up. I had my first day that I went over my maintenance calories since June just a few days ago. I have gone over my goal calories a few times, but never over my maintenance calories. That is really bad. On top of going over, I was majorly slacking on working out. I was starting to hear myself tell myself the same excuses I used to say when I wasn't serious about losing weight. 
I did the worst thing I could've possibly done, I stepped on the scale. Rather than giving me the push I thought it would to get in the right direction, I immediately felt defeated and like all my hard work the past few weeks had gone down the drain. I even thought about going to eat something! How terrible is that? Luckily, there was still a little voice of wisdom in my head that said simply "Don't Stop!" . I told myself, you know what, just because the scale says I gained 2 pounds it doesn't really mean I gained two pounds. Let me elaborate... my body all together weighed two pounds more, but that doesn't mean I gained two pounds. That would be impossible since I only barely went over my maintenance calories one day and just slacked a little on working out. I probably have a bunch of junk stuck in my digestive system because I was stuffing myself with carbs.
So what am I going to do to reverse this? Yesterday, I got in a good one hour workout that burned a whopping 770 calories. I used that extra food I had eaten the day before as fuel to get in a good workout.  I have to admit that eating more does give me more energy the next day. I still ended up eating over my goal calories yesterday, but not by much. Now, today I am going to eat lightly and very healthy. I will make sure that I get at least 100 oz of water in as well. My next official weigh in is on Saturday and I want to make sure that my day or two of weakness doesn't result in a gain for my weigh in. My goal is to lose a pound a week.
It's always good to have goals, but I think sometimes we take them too literal. For instance, " I MUST lose 2 pounds this week or I'm going to cry!". What if you lost 1.5 pounds that week? Is that not worthy of a pat on the back? I think it is. Sometimes we need to look at things in a bigger pictures. I am not talking months or years, I am talking life. We have one life. Think about how much weight you can lose before your 40th birthday or if you are 40, think how much better you will look at your 50th! I have mini goals, but if  I don't meet them, I just move on to the next and I always think about the big picture which is life. I still have the rest of my life ahead of me and that is the real time-frame I have to reach any goal.

The best advice I can give is to always find a way to turn a negative into a positive. For me, I think it's engrained in my DNA since I have been doing this my entire life. I slip up sometimes, but I generally tend to find a silver lining in everything.

Now catch yourself from falling off your plan and stick too it! You're the only one that can keep yourself on your plan.

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