Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Calories Shouldn't Count on Your Birthday!

So, I'm sure you can guess my birthday was recent due to the title of this post. Yes, I turned 26 years OLD yesterday. Ok, I'm not that old but I am definitely feeling grown up. I let myself off the wagon a little and I know my next weigh in is going to pay the price for it. This past Saturday I went to Dave & Busters with my friends and had a million shots and some mixed drinks. Yesterday, I let myself have chocolate and candy for lunch. Then we had mexican food for dinner . I also got a mixed drink at dinner. I left the restaurant feeling more full than I have since I started my new lifestyle. It felt disgusting. I felt like I weighed 50 pounds more than when I entered the place. I felt like I was getting more stretch marks. I only ate half my food, but my goodness,  those plates are huge! I had yogurt for breakfast today and ate the other half of my dinner from last night for lunch and feel extremely full again. Tonight isn't going to be much better calorie wise because my Fiance is making me cupcakes and ice cream for my birthday! At least I know that I can control the portion size of dessert and I'll probably have salad for dinner so I don't do too much damage today. It sucks knowing that these few days will most likely end up in a gain this week. It's super disappointing because I have been doing so well. I'm not going to beat myself up about it too much though because I did get some exercise in. On Saturday night before I went out, I squeezed in a workout that burned 546 calories. Then on Monday I burned 667 calories. I know that will help a little and I am still better off than I used to be without exercising.

Looking back, I wouldn't take those calories back if  I could because I had a really good time and I can make up for it next week. Just gotta keep going. No stopping this time. No giving up and falling back into bad habits. Just suck it up, cut your losses, and move on!

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