Tuesday, February 28, 2012


You would think that by plastering my weight online I would get the nudge to want to lose weight huh? Nope! I am back up to 175. I've been kinda-sorta fighting it to get back down to 170, but it has slowly creeped up to 176 now. Dangit!

Drastic times call for drastic measures. I still have all those GNC Lean Shakes that I bought a little while back, so I plan on trying the little diet they include with those shakes. I mean REALLY try it. It basically consists of Lean Shakes, Fruit, and Veggies. Or at least my Turbo Lean Shake Diet is going to include those three things. Looks like I'm back to writing down everything I shove into my mouth.

We were going on bike rides on a bi-weekly basis, but the tire on one of our bikes popped and we haven't replaced it yet. It has been weeks and now I actually miss those bike rides. Hopeully we can get it fixed tomorrow or something. As for tonight, I will be working late, hitting the voting polls, then getting a little more work done at home hopefully. I've also caught this crappy head cold thing that is going around, so that is quite enjoyable. To top it all off I have to have all the reports for our accountant done by tomorrow while still trying to make the sales goal for this month. Oh my. At least my dad was nice enough to bring me a salad for lunch :) . That definitely helped me. I'm pretty sure I would've ended up at the gas station for lunch otherwise. Yeah, see how bad I've been lately! ARG.

I'll be back in a week to update. Possibly sooner if I can find the time!

P.S. If you need some extra motivation to lose weight Google "american obesity picture". Need I say more?


  1. No way am I looking at that picture! Scared.
    Good for you for kicking your own butt into gear before the creep up gets any higher.
    From where I'm looking... under 200 is the promised land, but I understand how 170 feels and how scary 176 would be looking.
    the diet with the shakes... whatever works right. I think I'm a bit like you and it's just about breaking the cycle of eating too much or too often.
    Good luck!!! I know you can do it. And you'll be feeling so great.

  2. Thank you for your support ! I haven't had any shakes since that post, but I have gone grocery shopping and loaded up on healthy food that I know I'll actually eat. I'm doing pretty good so far . Today I've just had cereal and salad . We'll be having grilled chicken for dinner. Thank goodness my boyfriend can cook and grill !I've yet to be " domesticated" lol.
